Pour celles et ceux qui ne me connaissent pas, j’ai 42 ans, je suis ingénieure et je suis mariée. Je suis née en France, d’origine chinoise et j’ai comme loisirs la pâtisserie, la cuisine, la lecture, la musique, le jardinage, les ballades dans la nature, les diners entre amis, la photographie et le sexe.
My name is Lù Xi (pronounced LOUG ZI) but my friends call me Lou. After years of working in a digital agency, I ended up creating my own. I realize all kinds of projects in the field of web and mobile information systems.
I created this site while my husband was on a long mission abroad, to allow us to keep the link and keep the flame at a distance. Of course, there are already tools such as Skype and many others, but I wanted to centralize everything and this was my little challenge as an IT developer.
And then when he came back, I decided to publish it. If only for the blog with my girlfriends who regularly ask me to tell them the details of my sex life.
Indeed, we are a free couple, I'm a libertine and for them it's a strange and even creepy world... In spite of what they think, they are very curious, eager for answers and I think it tickles them a little... (isn't it the girls ;-) ...).
And so, rather than repeating myself, I start writing my adventures thinking that if my girlfriends are interested, maybe other girls (and boys) will be curious to discover this world through my stories.
Who knows, this site might help some women feel better about their minds, bodies and sexuality. Indeed, being of Asian origin, I don't have the same barriers and taboos as my western fellow citizens and maybe I will be able to give a different perspective (one among many) on how to live one's sexuality. For me, sex is a medicine that is a source of well-being and health. Let's live lightly and uncomplexed, there are things so much more serious...
I do not wish to shock anyone, part of this site is forbidden to under 18 years old (PREMIUM) and if you find it "immoral or creepy" according to your criteria, I do not oblige you to browse it. On the other hand, the public part is accessible to all. I publish in this section everything I like, my life snapshots as well as the articles I find interesting.
For those who would recognize me, and although what can I say except that we have at least one thing in common : the love of sex ;)
My name is Lù Xi (pronounced LOUG ZI) but my friends call me Lou. After years of working in a digital agency, I ended up creating my own. I realize all kinds of projects in the field of web and mobile information systems.
I created this site while my husband was on a long mission abroad, to allow us to keep the link and keep the flame at a distance. Of course, there are already tools such as Skype and many others, but I wanted to centralize everything and this was my little challenge as an IT developer.
And then when he came back, I decided to publish it. If only for the blog with my girlfriends who regularly ask me to tell them the details of my sex life.
Indeed, we are a free couple, I'm a libertine and for them it's a strange and even creepy world... In spite of what they think, they are very curious, eager for answers and I think it tickles them a little... (isn't it the girls ;-) ...).
And so, rather than repeating myself, I start writing my adventures thinking that if my girlfriends are interested, maybe other girls (and boys) will be curious to discover this world through my stories.
Who knows, this site might help some women feel better about their minds, bodies and sexuality. Indeed, being of Asian origin, I don't have the same barriers and taboos as my western fellow citizens and maybe I will be able to give a different perspective (one among many) on how to live one's sexuality. For me, sex is a medicine that is a source of well-being and health. Let's live lightly and uncomplexed, there are things so much more serious...
I do not wish to shock anyone, part of this site is forbidden to under 18 years old (PREMIUM) and if you find it "immoral or creepy" according to your criteria, I do not oblige you to browse it. On the other hand, the public part is accessible to all. I publish in this section everything I like, my life snapshots as well as the articles I find interesting.
For those who would recognize me, and although what can I say except that we have at least one thing in common : the love of sex ;)
My last photos on Instagram @daily.luxi
On this instagram account, I share my daily life, my favorites, my passions, my realizations ...