Find out more about my world on this website. Mypassions, mydaily life and mylibertine adventures.
My first name is Lù Xi (pronounced “Loug Zi”), but my friends call me Lou.
For those of you who don't know me, I'm of Chinese origin, born in France (a “banana”: yellow on the outside, white on the inside) and I'm 43 years old. They say I don't look it: thanks to my Asian genes!
I'm married, a computer engineer and company director. My hobbies are baking, cooking, reading, music (I'm a pianist, percussionist and cellist), gardening, nature walks, dinners with friends, photography and sex.
After years of working in a digital agency, I ended up setting up my own.I carry out all types of projects in the field of web and mobile information systems.
I created this website following a week spent at the home of one of my best friends, who was living in New York at the time.Knowing my unconventional libertine life, she had asked me a lot of questions about my sexuality. I answered simply and without judgment, punctuating my answers with anecdotes linked to my experiences.
Before getting back on the plane, she thanked me so warmly: I was the only person she could talk to about this subject, which was all too taboo at the time, and I had shed a different light on it that had done her a lot of good.
Indeed, being of Asian origin, I don't seem to have the same barriers and taboos as my fellow Westerners. I see sex as natural and above all a source of well-being and health. A medicine that you always carry with you.
This got me thinking, and it was on landing that the idea for this site was born: the happiness and satisfaction of having helped her, I wanted to share with others.
So I started writing about my naughty adventures. A few erotic photos came to illustrate my tales, and then my husband, taking more and more pleasure in producing images, also enriched this site with videos.
Who knows, if my stories could help some women feel better about themselves, their bodies and their sexuality, I'd have done my bit:
The world of libertarianism has long had a strange or gloomy image, even for me in my early days, but that's not the reality I find there, and I simply wanted to contribute my point of view and my experience. It's up to each of you to take what resonates with you.
Part of this site is restricted to under-18s (PREMIUM) to prevent minors from accessing adult content.
The public section, on the other hand, is open to all. In this section, I publish everything I like: snapshots of my life and articles I find interesting.
For those who recognize me, well... what can I say except that we have at least one thing in common: a love of sex ;)
Let's live lightly and relaxed, there are things so much more serious...